Tag: Islam

  • EOR: Different Stories of the Sahabas

    Subhanallah, to truly love for your brother what you love for yourself is to give what you hold most dear because of the love for your brother. At the time the Makkans emigrated to Madina, Sa’d bin Rabi, radiyallahanhu was made a brother to the emigrant Abdurrahman bin Awf, radiyallahuanhu. Sa’ad offered half of his…

  • EOR: Ka’ab bin Malik RadiyallahuAnhu

    Allahumastarawratinawaamin raw atina(O Allah conceal our faults and keep us safe from the things which we fear), Subhanallah, each day I learn how much the sahabahs feared their Lord and loved the Prophet SalllahuAlayhiwasalam, it was so much more than just reciting the Quran and memorising the words. It was living the word of the…

  • EOR: Our Mother Khadija BintKhuwalid (RA)

    Imagine being assured of a house in paradise in your lifetime. Our Mother Khadija was one of the few that received this promise from our Lord. She had the great fortune of proposing to the best of mankind who loved her long after her death and that love extended to her friends and family. It…

  • EOR: Our Mother Zainab bint Jahsh (RadiyallahuAnha)

    The story of our mother Zainab RadiyallahuAnha is told by many with different takeaways. Was it that she was high-born and was asked to marry the adopted son of the RasulSalallahualayhiwasallam, Zayd bin HarithRadiyallahuAnhu even though she didn’t really want to? Was it that the marriage didn’t work, as she had predicted for them both?…

  • EOR: In Awe of the Most High

    Indeed how does one live without the Supreme One?How do you look upon yourself and think you are all that is, and needed?Tell me, if creation does not stupefy you, scare you, dazzle you, petrify youThen shouldn’t life? How was I created?To be this person, walking , talking, with a mind of my own?With hope, dreams,…

  • EOR: Counting Blessings

    How often do you do this? Take stock of your lot in life, especially at times when the going is rough and tough?Times when ease is bliss?‘Gratitude is the attitude’ are not just words said for their sake and truly I fear to write on this topic, because deep in my soul, I am not…

  • EOR: Hajj – An Obligation from Allah

    Labbaik Allahhuma labbaik! (I am here at your service, Oh Allah, I am here at your service).Labaik Laa shareeka laka labbaik (I am here at your service, no partner have you, I am here at your service).Innalhamda, wan ni’imata laka wal mulk (Surely all praise and blessings are Yours and dominion -likewise).La shareeka lak (No…

  • EOR: The Condition of Miss P

    As Ramadan approaches, each woman knows what Miss P stands for. It’s a ‘disconnect’ for a few days in this month when you cannot tap the same feeling being experienced by other Muslims. That ‘down-time’ you supposedly enjoy in other months of not fasting and praying is different. You feel shut out from the barakah…