Subhanallah, to truly love for your brother what you love for yourself is to give what you hold most dear because of the love for your brother.

At the time the Makkans emigrated to Madina, Sa’d bin Rabi, radiyallahanhu was made a brother to the emigrant Abdurrahman bin Awf, radiyallahuanhu.

Sa’ad offered half of his wealth and one of his wives according to the choice of Abdurrahman!

I shudder and think what the responses to this would be if we were asked how many of us would do this.

I am sure our will answer will be ‘ The times are different.”
A wife would shout ” Am I a sacrifice?”

What of the story of the emigrant who was hungry and in the Prophet’s salallahualayhiwa salaam home, no food was to be found? An Ansar took this emigrant home, and under the dark, lured his hungry kids to sleep.

His wife and he pretended to eat from the bowl with the guest till he had his full as the food they shared was the only one they had under their roof.

In the morning, Allah’s Messenger, salallahualayhiwasalam informs the brother with a smile “Allah is pleased with what you both did for your guest this night.”

Subhanallah! I ask myself, would I have left my kids hungry for a stranger?

But he wasn’t a stranger, was he? When would we realise this?

What of the gift of a sheep head that was sent to a house and the head of the household says, so and so needs it more than me. Then proceeds to send it off to the more ‘needing’ house. This sheep head makes 7 stops and arrives back at the first house- the head of the household! Subhanallah!

Imagine the knick-knacks we collect all over the place, or the meals we throw with no thought to needy that we can see! Ya Allah have mercy.

For this one, I weep.

As on the battlefield, Hudaifah Al Adawiradiyallahuanhu is seeking his cousin to give him something to ease the throes of death if he finds him. When he finds him, he tries to feed him the water, but they hear a man nearby groan, and his cousin says “Go feed him.”

When Hudaifah reaches this man, he’s about to give him the water, when another groan is heard and this man also says, “Go feed him.”

Hudaifah gets to this third man but finds him dead, returns to the first man who has also died and then to his cousin who also has passed away.

No one drinks this water,Subhanallah!

Remember YaIkhwaan,

  • You will not have anything but what Allah has written for you in this world even a cup of water is decreed in this life.
  • And truly the sahabas gave preference to others other than themselves.

Yes, the times are different but we should truly honour ourselves in deeds, words and concern.

We should ask ourselves if our wealth is not helping others, but is being hoarded for a generation who are yet to come, what use is it? May Allah make our hearts spill over in love for one another, and hate for misleaders, enchanters, and enticements that tell us that we do not have enough.


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