As Ramadan approaches, each woman knows what Miss P stands for. It’s a ‘disconnect’ for a few days in this month when you cannot tap the same feeling being experienced by other Muslims. That ‘down-time’ you supposedly enjoy in other months of not fasting and praying is different. You feel shut out from the barakah of this time…
Or so we think.
Shawwal has come and gone sisters, and you agonise yet again at your inability to catch up. To repay the fasts owed and gain the reward of a whole year with six…
Or so we think.
Miss P- Periods, mean different things to different peop- Arrgh scrap that, it means the same thing to everyone…Bleeding for women.
It comes once a month for most ladies, twice is called irregular, painful bleeds are called Dysmenorrhea and it is what truly makes a woman.
Let’s face it, for every feminist who wrongly defines feminism to mean, ‘Women can do and be anything’, yeah, Miss P says No. This one thing you are commanded to do by the Creator, births life. You birth life. You didn’t decide it, you didn’t choose it, it just is. Yes, you can decide to go against the laws of nature but by nature, you got it!
You can be anyone or anything but this. is.YOU.
And you need to deal with it!
It’s your entry into womanhood. At least, one of the major ones. The excitement you feel when the first sign spot on your white underwear is met with trepidation and then some pride. No one’s going to call you a child anymore. You take pride in telling everyone, even the young boys you ran around with in the neighborhood and watch their faces cringe in confusion and respect at the same time.
You’re shown how to wear your first ‘towel’ if you’re lucky. For some, the struggle endures in their young ages and even a perfumed cloth is used with such dexterity. For others, their ‘protection’ goes askew for many a month after the first time causing quite several accidents and your glee in being older, quickly changes to the embarrassment of the stain.
This may go on for a long time to come, let’s be honest.
Then the cramps – the excruciating pain that incapacitates you. You fall ill; hot water bottles, thick towels and your bed…all this is quickly understood by your sisters, fathers and brothers. Painkillers become close comfort, like the towels. Also, like them, they change with the times as your pain contracts, inverts and converts.
It is with relief that during these times, the Almighty frees you from Salat and fasting as you battle with your body, an ibaadah in and of itself from Your Lord.
Then, it stops…for 9 months. A different kind of journey begins as the blood that is impure for you, becomes food for your young. The new human emerging. It nourishes and nurtures before the thick meal from another miraculous source, distinctly and wholly female alone takes over, but let’s return to the blood.
That mysterious life-altering fluid that runs through your veins, soils, creates and feeds.
Have we forgotten that the one who gifted us life, gifted us femininity, also gifted us Islam and so the rules and laws are well known to Him?
He chose us!
We are the most worthy to handle the huge responsibility that comes with Miss P – multi-tasking, cleansing, birthing, weaning, raising and worshiping in every way we can, even when it’s believed we can’t.
Have you realised it yet? Miss P is a miracle. You are a miracle. And as it slowly dawns on you that every pain you experience as a result of Miss P, is an expiation of your sins. You know that Miss P is truly what makes you YOU almost all the time.
Look at your Mum
Then look at yourself…and the stories that have emerged from your bleeds
Then, if you have them, look at your offspring.
Raise your hands and praise Your Lord O Ukhti. And thank Allah for making you worthy.
Note: Ibaadah can be done at anytime, anywhere and in any condition as much as possible. Keep at it Ya Ikhwaan, May Allah ease it for us all. Ameen.
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